Your Visit Saturday AM
We are excited to have you visit our church! We hope that you are assisted by the information provided. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call the church office.
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Additional Events
Throughout the year we schedule various meetings including: Supper Clubs, special presentations, prophecy seminars, community outreach projects, social events and more! Please visit our News & Events page to see what's coming up on the calendar.
What Should I Wear?
First of all, we believe God is more interested in your heart than in what you’re wearing! Simply wear what you would to a meeting with someone special, like the mayor of your town or city. Some people here wear business-casual clothes. Some people wear dresses and suits and ties. Some come in nice jeans and shirts. Most choose to dress in ways that are modest, so as not to distract from the worship of God. But the most important thing is that you come, regardless of what’s in your closet that morning!
What Should I Do with My Kids?
Your children will not want to miss their Sabbath Schools either, which again start at 9:30 AM and are organized for all children by ages as young as infancy. The greeters will show you the right class for your children’s age group or you can check out our interactive facility map to plan ahead. There is also a Mother’s Room on the east wing where you can take crying or unsettled children during the worship service but still hear and see the service. For your convenience, there is also a family bathroom, located in the hall across from the men's and women's bathrooms, equipped with a changing table for infants.
Where Should I Sit?
You may sit anywhere you choose in the Sanctuary (again, that’s our main worship room). If you need assistance, greeters are available in the foyer. We are a family-oriented church, and offer our Mother's Room for any mothers needing to take their infants to a quieter and more private area. The structural design is such that one can hear and see well from any position, but if you are hearing impaired, let us know and we will provide you with a hearing device.
After the Service, is Lunch ?
Yes, and we hope you will join us! After the closing prayer, the speaker usually walks down the center aisle and deacons dismiss each row of the congregation, who then enter the lobby. While food is being set out in the fellowship hall, there is time for introductions and visiting. Slowly the congregation will start making their way into the Fellowship Hall. When you start seeing hands being raised, that is the signal that the prayer for the meal is about to be said. After prayer, we invite the guests to lead the buffet line style dinner. Though completely optional, we would love it if you would join us for the fellowship dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Any of our members are available to answer whatever questions you might have. We are always glad to have visitors!
I'm Here, Now What?
As you enter the main doors of the church, greeters will shake your hand and offer you that day’s bulletin (that’s a brochure filled with great information about where things are, what’s going on in the church, etc.). The greeters will also ask if you need directions. If you arrive in time for group Bible study (we call them “Sabbath Schools”), they will guide you to these smaller study and discussion classes. All classes begin at 9:30 AM. The greeters will also show you our Resource Center, which is filled with current and classic spiritual reading materials (most of which is yours to take, free of charge!).
What's the Schedule?
The morning begins at 9:30 AM with our Sabbath School classes for both adults and children. These classes meet throughout the church facility, and the greeters can help you find the right one for you or your children when you arrive at the church building doors. You can also look at our interactive facility map to locate where you'll want to go ahead of time. When all Sabbath School classes end at 10:45 AM, there’ll be a 15-minute break to pick up your kids, get a drink, etc. If you wish, you may make your way into the sanctuary (the main worship room) for the main worship service. This worship service begins at 11:00 AM and ends between 12:00 and 12:30 PM. (Your bulletin outlines each portion of the service so you can see what’s coming next.) On each Sabbath, after the worship service comes a free and very tasty lunch. All food and utensils are provided, so don’t worry about bringing anything.
Can I Participate in the Service?
First, we respect your right to simply sit and watch! Your level of participation in our worship service is completely up to you. But if you wish, there are ways you can participate. For instance, there’s excellent music of some sort at each worship service. Most of these musical presentations are times when people attending worship can sing along. Words to songs will be in the song books (called “hymnals”) in the back of the pew in front of you or on a projector screen over the stage. The page numbers will be announced up front and in the bulletin. Prayer is led by worship leaders up front, and we welcome you to pray with them in your heart as they do so. Tithes and offerings are collected, giving each attendee a chance to help support God’s work if they wish. Each week the “loose offering” (the money given that’s not in a special envelope available in the back of each pew) is designated by denominational leadership for specific institutions or missions around the world. As our guest, we do not expect you to contribute to the offering. Feel free to sit back and relax as the offering collection plates are passed. And of course, during the sermon time, feel free to use the Bible in the back of the pew in front of you. We invite you to listen carefully, for the Bible is the book that has pointed millions of people to freedom and fulfillment in Jesus for thousands of years!